Mick Trimming Links










This page will direct you to news & sites about CBS Network's Survivor Samoa contestant Mick Trimming


About Mick Trimming


Smart, funny, charming and a doctor, Mick is every single woman's dream and every single man's nightmare. At 33 years old, this Idaho import is a resident anesthesiologist at UCLA who takes great pride in his intense occupation. He is highly motivated to do whatever it takes to win the million dollar prize in order to pay off the hundreds of thousands that he owes in student loans.  

Involved in an all consuming residency life, Mick's pet peeve is when patients, who have neglected their health throughout their whole lives, come to him with extraordinary demands. With all of the stress in his life, he candidly describes his perfect day being one where he is able to sleep in until 7:30 (or maybe 8:00) a.m. In addition to reading trade magazines, he enjoys the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine and the ones hidden underneath his mattress.  A man of humor, another one of Mick's pet peeves is when people cannot admit they are wrong. He also admits that the quickest way to get him angry is to throw dirt clods at him. Definitely a conversationalist, topics that are off limits to Mick are ridiculous situations that people find themselves in, and he absolutely refuses to talk about the sexual escapades of people's grandparents.  In addition to his desire to pay off student loans, he hopes to buy a vacuum cleaner with the winnings. Oddly enough, the wildest thing he would do to win would be to "give a homeless person a tongue bath" but he would never go as far as disabling someone ... well at least not permanently.


Currently, Mick resides in Los Angeles. His birthday is May 10.

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News Articles about Survivor Samoa contestant Mick Trimming


Reality TV Magazine 12/30/09 Survivor: Samoa — Mick’s 3rd-Place Finish

Survivor Fans Podcast 12/21/09 Interview with Mick Trimming

Reality News Online 12/21/09 Survivor: Samoa – Why Mick Lost

Reality News Online 12/21/09 RealityNewsOnline’s Exclusive Interview with Survivor: Samoa’s Mick

Reality TV Fans 9/27/09 Survivor: Samoa - Mick on Being the Leader

Reality TV Calendar 9/8/09 Meet Survivor Mick Trimming - Stimpy's Take, Bio, Photo and More

Reality TV Fans 8/30/09 Survivor: Samoa - Meet Mick


Websites - Mick Trimming


Official Site

Websites - Survivor Samoa


SirLinksalot: Survivor Samoa

Reality TV Links - Survivor 19



Clubs/Forums for Mick Trimming


Yahoo Group - Mick Trimming


This site is not affiliated with CBS Network, the Survivor Samoa show or its producers




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